ancestral healing

We inherit the lived experience and memories of our ancestors through our own genetic coding. We are the living breathing continuation of our ancestors. And all of our ancestors throughout time, will have lived through war, famine, enslavement, invasions, subjugation and all manner of challenges, ruptures and traumas. These implicit memories are passed down to us and remain dormant, stored within our cells until some event in our lifetime comes along and flicks the switch - igniting the flame and turning the memory back on again. And so we move through life re-enacting aspects of our ancestors experience or trauma, even though the original historical context is no longer in our conscious awareness and has long since past.

And of course, we do not only inherit trauma. We also inherit all the wonderful creative resources our ancestors embodied. In fact, the more we are able to alchemize the pain, terror and suffering and release ourselves from the hardship of their experience, the more internal space we have to integrate all their strengths and life affirming qualities; qualities such as joy, pleasure and a deep intrinsic sense of belonging.

And life always does us the wonderful favour of bringing events and situations that invariably help us to heal and evolve - growing beyond the constraints of our pasts. So it is inevitable that we will keep repeating patterns and re-enacting old family traumas until we catch them and then - once we have this in our awareness - we can endeavour to do something different and lay the past to rest. We honour the lives of our ancestors by living fully, joyfully and unapologetically now, in this lifetime. This is the work of ancestral healing. 

If you have a hunch, a sense or even a clear knowing that what you're experiencing didn't originate with you,  it can sometimes be enough to simply acknowledge it - setting the intention that you will no longer be the carrier of it. Sometimes that alone may help loosen its grip. Other times, you may want to take the work further by working through the ancestral implicit memory with someone experienced in the field of ancestral healing with whom you can safely deepen into this profound part of your ancestral legacy and healing journey.

how do i work?

Ancestral healing sessions are 75 minutes in length and cost £140. Sessions include a combination of talking, visualisation, sound, embodied presence work, working energetically with touch and ceremonial work with the ancestors. Sessions are ad hoc and guidance will be given on how to continue to deepen into connection and relationship after the sessions.