embodied therapy

Her Embodied Stories: The Courage to Play

This upcoming New Moon in Leo on August 8th invites us to shine our lights brightly. And this charismatic Leo energy has really brought our attention to the theme of play and how we may draw upon this fiery energy to support us in cultivating the courage to play.

How often do we play aimlessly? Without direction or structure? As adults, of course, it is easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day practicalities of life, little time, no space, and high stress. But, as Neuroscientific research has shown play to be an antidote to depression, it is certainly a worthwhile – and much neglected - area for us to explore. 


Her Embodied Stories: Loving MySelf

Theme: Loving MySelf

Her Embodied Stories is our new creative venture - birthed by Milena Kadziela and Kate Merrick. It is an invitation for us as women to come together. To learn, unlearn and reclaim our birthright - to love ourselves, fully, intimately, deeply. We will explore and share our stories of what it has meant to be a woman and we will be guided each fortnight by the themes illuminated by the New and Full Moons. 

You can catch our first talk together here. Grab a cuppa, sit back, slow it right down and come join us!